Rain Barrels on the RiverFront 2016
Rain Barrels on the Riverfront is back. A three way partnership between the Sierra Club Great Lakes Program, The Detroit RiverFront Conservancy and Maxi Container (aka mirainbarrel) will return (for the second time this year) to Downtown Detroit this April 23rd and July 18th. There are many ways to participate. You can buy your barrel […]

Our Commitment to Rain Barrels and the Environment
This is our third year selling rain barrels, and we love it! Each year our numbers have grown. Recently we have expanded our relationships with environmental advocacy groups, like the Sierra Club Great Lakes Program, with community gardens like Project Grow (Ann Arbor), as well as with numerous schools. On April 14, 2012, we are […]

Rain Barrels on the Riverfront
The Sierra Club Great Lakes Program, Detroit Riverfront Conservancy and Maxi Container (the creators of MI Rain Barrel) are joining forces to bring the first ever Rain Barrel sale to the city of Detroit. What a better place to hold this event than on the Riverwalk. The event is on April 14th, Downtown Detroit (Riverwalk) […]
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