mirainbarrel CEO Joshua Rubin Interviewed by The Jewish News Detroit
Our CEO Joshua Rubin was interviewed by the Detroit Jewish News. It was a highlight in an article about the Whitney in Detroit going green. They did a great job capturing what mirainbarrel and Joshua are all about, Check out Joshua’s interview below and there is a link to the whole article on their website […]

Our Summer of Rain Barrel Fun, and the Hidden Enviromental Benefits…
This year was an amazing adventure for me. We got to work some old and soooo many new faces this year. Our rain barrels are all over not just metro-Detroit but the whole country. We owe a lot of this to our new distributors and our local partners. Within shampoos actually highly little need it […]

Our Commitment to Rain Barrels and the Environment
This is our third year selling rain barrels, and we love it! Each year our numbers have grown. Recently we have expanded our relationships with environmental advocacy groups, like the Sierra Club Great Lakes Program, with community gardens like Project Grow (Ann Arbor), as well as with numerous schools. On April 14, 2012, we are […]
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