Heidelberg Project Rain Barrel Workshop, Huge Success!!!
This past weekend we had an amazing Saturday morning at the Heidelberg Project with the help of both the Heidelberg and the Sierra Great Lakes Program, 30 Rain Barrels went to Detroiters’. We showed everyone how to make them, install them, and paint them too! Lots of amazing people and great weather made for an […]

Pop-Up Rain Barrel Workshop With Project Grow Ann Arbor April, 19 2014
We had a work shop like this a couple years ago that was very popular and a whole lot of fun. If you missed that one, here is your second chance. What: Pop-up Rain Barrel Workshop When: Saturday April 19th, 12:30pm – 2:30pm Where: The Yellow Barn at 416 West Huron Cost: $65 Build your […]

Our Commitment to Rain Barrels and the Environment
This is our third year selling rain barrels, and we love it! Each year our numbers have grown. Recently we have expanded our relationships with environmental advocacy groups, like the Sierra Club Great Lakes Program, with community gardens like Project Grow (Ann Arbor), as well as with numerous schools. On April 14, 2012, we are […]
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